Handcrafted espresso, tea and hot chocolate prepared when your order is placed at Torina’s serving window. Find your favorite below. Don’t see what you are looking for? Ask your mobile barista.

Solo – The Italian Diva among coffees made by forcing high-pressure steam through ground coffee beans. Result? Thick coffee texture with a delicious crema on top.
Lungo – Made with a shot of espresso with double the amount of water. It can also be considered similar to Americano but with a more refined taste.
Ristretto – A type of a so-called “short” espresso. It is made just like a regular espresso but using half the amount of water.
Doppio – Meaning “double” in Italian is a simple double espresso shot.
Shakerato – A popular summertime Italian drink made by shaking an espresso with brown sugar and ice cubes.
Espresso Macchiato – An espresso coffee drink with a small amount of milk, usually foamed. In Italian, macchiato means “stained” or “spotted”, so the literal translation of caffè macchiato is “stained coffee” or “marked coffee”.
Espresso Con Panna – A single shot of espresso served in an espresso cup topped with whipped cream.
Affogato – Enjoy two scoops of vanilla ice cream with a double shot of espresso poured over the top.
Espresso with Milk & Cream
Caffe Americano – Do you prefer a bit lighter texture of espresso – voilà! Americano is a weaker espresso with a more substantial amount of water, served in a big coffee cup.
Latte Macchiato – The name is Italian for “stained milk” or “marked milk”, referring to the way the drink is prepared by pouring a shot of espresso into steamed milk. It is a play on espresso macchiato, an older drink consisting of espresso marked with a dollop or two of milk or cream.
Caffe Latte – Enjoy a coffee where the milk takes over the stage, dominating over the taste of espresso. We could say it’s a form of Cappuccino with more milk.
Cappuccino – Famous coffee with even more iconic crema contains 1/3 of espresso and the same measure of foamed milk and steamed milk.
Caffe Marocchino – An Italian beverage made by layering cocoa powder, espresso, and milk foam. Its flavor is reminiscent of other drinks that use similar ingredients, such as the mocha.
Caffe Mocha – A full-bodied espresso combined with bittersweet mocha sauce and steamed milk, then topped with sweetened whipped cream.

And Other Favorites…
Hot Brewed Caffe – A strong coffee made during a slow process of dripping boiling water over ground coffee.
Iced Caffe – A cold version of your favorite coffee, but it’s not simply a coffee that has been left to cool. Like a regular coffee, it’s usually a combination of hot espresso and milk. However, ice is added too.
Cold Brew Caffe – Also called cold water extraction or cold pressing, is the process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period.
Te Caldo (hot tea) – We offer green, black and decaf options from local tea shops that will be prepared using a tea sac while you wait so that you can steep it to your liking.
Cioccolato Caldo (hot chocolate) – Steamed Ghirardelli chocolate with whole milk and fresh whipped cream with dusting if chocolate to top it off.
Hot Brewed Caffe – A strong coffee made during a slow process of dripping boiling water over ground coffee.
Iced Caffe – A cold version of your favorite coffee, but it’s not simply a coffee that has been left to cool. Like a regular coffee, it’s usually a combination of hot espresso and milk. However, ice is added too.
Cold Brew Caffe – Also called cold water extraction or cold pressing, is the process of steeping coffee grounds in water at cool temperatures for an extended period.
Te Caldo (hot tea) – We offer green, black and decaf options from local tea shops that will be prepared using a tea sac while you wait so that you can steep it to your liking.
Cioccolato Caldo (hot chocolate) – Steamed Ghirardelli chocolate with whole milk and fresh whipped cream with dusting of chocolate to top it off.